Monday, April 13, 2009

Thing # 18

You Tube is very wide-spread, I've had experience with it before, and the kids are very familiar with it, however there is some very "unfriendly" information out there in You Tube land, I was glad to see that there is a "safe" filter, I hadn't ever noticed that before.
Teacher Tube is AWESOME and has some very useful information, I'm in Science Countdown mode and found some awesome stuff that would be good for review. Here are a few examples. I could play on this website forever, but here are some goodies! :)

The Water Cycle Song

A Honda Commercial that would be good when discussing Simple/Compound Machines

A Lunar Eclipse that you can watch

Awesome Weathering and Erosion video that I will be using for sure.


HILARIOUS and informative Solids, Liquids and Gases video

I could go on forever, but I digress..........

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